today's video is going to be an updated washand go. and this has to be my best wash and go yet. and it is a collaboration with sincerelysharonhere on youtube. make sure you check out her channel. we have completely two differenttextures and i will leave her link down below so you can check out her video. i used allsheamoisture products, i used their leave-in, the curl enhancing smoothie and the curlinggel soufflã©. to start off i have a medium size section and i'm just going to grab myspray bottle with medium temperature to hot water. i'm going to spray this section andi'm going to completely drench it because the water is going to make my curls pop whichi need for my wash and go. so after i completely saturate the section, i am smoothing and squeezingthe water into my strands. i have low porosity
so i must do this step. then i'm going toapply a little bit of the leave-in to that full section. i'm smoothing as you can tell.i'm smoothing and smoothing and running my fingers down the strands. i want my strandsto be fully coated. then i'm going to go in with my curl enhancing smoothie. this is goingto give my curls some definition but its really to add as much moisture as possible. i'm doingthe same thing, smoothing and running my hands through it and i'm actually starting to fingerdetangle it just a little bit. so i'm just running my hands through it, smoothing itdown, each strand and making sure its fully coated. now, i'm just splitting that sectionup into a smaller section. i'm going to take a quarter size amount of the gel soufflã©and i'm smoothing it down this section. so
in the back of my head i have a finer, loosertexture. so all i need to do for this section is smooth is down and my curls will be verydefined and prominent and that's all i'm doing. i'm just smoothing it down and i'm separatingthe curls. here you can see that i'm getting great definition but as i go to the secondsection i'm going to have to switch up the routine i'm doing. so i am still smoothingmy hair, i applied a little bit of water because it got a little dry. then i applied some ofthe gel soufflã© to that section and i'm still smoothing and finger detangling. so in thissection my curls they are defined but my ends tend to get frizzy. so to combat that, i justcoil my ends. so as you can see i'm just coiling each strand around my finger and this goingto let the curls clump better which will help
so i will not get a lot of frizz. my hairis naturally frizzy so i'm going to get a ton of frizz but i want my ends to be moredefined so i can get a better wash and go style and it will last longer. this stylefor me lasts about two weeks if i do all these steps. i'm just twirling each strand aroundmy finger. i'm taking any section, big sections, small sections and i'm just twirling aroundmy finger. i'm just going to get great definition on my ends. if you have a hair texture likemines and find that your hair always frizzy when you end up doing your wash and go, trycoiling your ends and see if you get better results because i've been doing that latelyand i've been getting great results. and as you can see, i have a lot of definition onthe ends, my hair in the roots is still frizzy
but i don't mind that. so i'm just going toshow you how i do this again. first, i'm applying water then i split that section in half, ithen apply the leave-in then i'm applying some curl enhancing smoothie and then i'mapplying some of the gel soufflã© to that section. i'm finger detangling and the front of my hair i have a looser texture as well. i have so many textures in my hairso i don't need to define it as much because the ends of my strands will be similar toa wave pattern. but i still will coil certain parts of my hair. this is pretty much timeconsuming. it will take maybe an hour to two hours to do but i don't mind it because thisstyle will last me two weeks especially if i apply a lot of moisturizing products somy hair will stay moisturized. but i don't
do every section, sometimes i just grab certainpieces and twirl them around my finger. so that's basically what i'm doing for my wholehead. so after i am done, i'm going to shake my head, this is going to clump the curlsmore and its going to separate them as well. so after this i'm done, i'm just going tolet it air dry. this is how my curls look when its wet. they are very defined and iknow that my hair the next day is going to come out perfectly defined. to air dry, i'mjust going to clip the front of it away, so its not lying on my forehead. at night timei did apply a scarf and a bonnet. if you want to see how i preserve any hairstyle i'll linkthat video in the cards. i'm just going to shake my hair and i'm going to pull, stretch,form and shape. that's all i'm doing is shaping,
shaping, pull, shape, pull, shape and that'sall you do at this point. my hair is completely dry. the back is pretty much stretched outbecause of me pineappling. so i'm just going to apply a little bit of water and this isgoing to make it shrink up a little bit so the back is not hanging so low. and that'sthe end, these are my results. i got super defined hair, this style will last me twoweeks, so i would definitely would recommend you to try this and try those products aswell. i'm getting great definition, my hair is big, full, it still has body, its shinyand soft. this technique has been working for me for the past couple times i have beendoing my wash and go. so if you guys want to see the makeup look i am wearing in thisvideo, make sure you check out my next video.
thanks for watching and i'll see youin the next one.
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