Monday, September 5, 2016

women's hair colour

- [woman] apply the henna thoroughly. - we didn't read the directions first? - no we did. - oh. - yeah. yeah yeah yeah. - yeah we'll be fine. - today we are using hennahair dye and dying our hair. - we're at our friend devin's house because we like her bathroom.

- they really love my bathroom. - i've never dyed my hair before. i think this may not work because my hair is already pretty dark. - i don't think it's not gonna work, but i think that the change will only really be visible in like sunlight. like, i'm gonna have to be standing directly under the sunfor you to see any change.

- i think i'm dyeing myhair to auburn color, which is great. anything that brings me closer to being lily potter i'm okay with. - anytime i have colored my hair it's just been to jet black, so i'm gonna venture out intosome chestnut tones today. and we'll see how it goes. - i'm scared of bleaching my hair,

so this seems like pretty much the easiest way to do something. - let's do it! yeah! - we are preparing the henna. we have these blocks, asyou can see these blocks. as a half indian, i do havesome experience with henna. my family calls it mehndi. it smells... smells like plants.

so i cut up all the blocks. the blocks are in here. and then we'll just get to it. so there's some water in here. we're boiling it, maybe i shouldput it on a little higher. it seems like it's gonna overflow. oh! maybe not. maybe it will just float very nicely. let it go in a little bit?

oh yeah, that seems likewhat i was supposed to do maybe just a little. i am slaving away over this hot stove. uh oh. uh oh. what's this? it's a label. well, i did not expectmyself to be so bad at this, but we're forging ahead. right guys? - [devin] yeah! sure.- [freddie] woo!

- we're here with a steaming bowl. well it was steaming a second ago. a steaming bowl of this. - of caca. - don't come for my crooked part. i woke up like this. look at these little things. ain't she cute?- ha ha do you want to put some coconut oil

just on your hairline really fast? - yeah. when i used to get perms back in the day, - they would put like vaselineor coconut oil on my edges, so it wouldn't burn them. so this is what we do. - do not get henna on my sideburns. i do not want them any darker. - alright, lets do this.

- it smells like chai tea. - i don't know how to get in there. - i feel very luxurious, even though you'reputting caca in my hair. - just gonna poung lao lower. - when you put poop on thehead for the first time. - do you need more of my neck hairs? - yeah. expose those bad boys. - my college, hippie selfis so happy right now.

- there are dingleberries forming. - oooh... my hair long. - i feel like i'm doingthe environment a favor. i feel like i'm doing my hair a favor. - oh my gosh, i feel so organic. - look how you gingerly picked off the caca from my earand put it on my hair. - is there a dingleberry on my nose?

- no, and yes at the same time. don't touch it. - oh god. - what happened? - i'm-- my nose is itchy. yb... yb can you reach? up- nope. - now on the corner. out a little bit more now.

- oh my god it's so heavy.- yeah. - oh my god it's so heavy. - so now we get to hangout for like five hours. just chill. - i am the princess of caca-moro. - so i've had this bag on myhead for about two hours now. it doesn't smell bad. it doesn't itch, but i'm not mad. i'm glad i'm doing it for work.

- it's been a long ass time. it's been about six hours. we ate, we lounged, we laughed, we cried. - devin has to go getan x-ray for her foot cause it might be broken, so we're gonna wash her out right now. - i was willing to go withthe shower cap on my head. - i'm nervous, like i don't know what lies beneath this cap at this point.

- it's just... oh... wow... look at that. - [freddie] so, i just showered. it took me about 35 to 40 minutes just to get all the henna outta my hair. i'm winded, i'm tired. - just got out of the shower,

and i'm really excited to see. - i think it looks exactly the same. freddie thinks it looks darker. - it's darker. - we'll see what happens tomorrow. - what i love is that, like, i'm not sure if it changed, like, the tint or the color of my hair, but it feels so good.

it feels so, like,moisturized and conditioned. and it smells great. - it was really fun to try once, but i don't think i'm gonnabe doing it again necessarily. so, maybe i might have toactually dye my hair darker if i actually want it to be darker. - it's interesting becauseyours did not turn blue, it turned reddish. - you think it's redder than before?

- yeah. especially in the light. it's definitely redder. i feel like it worked in my hair though. - yeah. yeah. i see some change. - i definitely recommend waiting a day before you pass judgement though. because this got redderthe second day around. there was a giant mess in my bathroom. when we showered it was,like, covered in mud.

it looked crazy. - there were dingleberriesin my brassiere. - dingleberries everywhere. - i feel like my mom has described my boobs as dingleberries before. (laughter) - they are not that small. - no. i feel like we all have-- - we have small boobs.

- the same size boobs. - lets just end this videowith us cupping our own boobs. lady tested. - [together] lady had fun. - twas fun. - thank you so much forwatching "ladylike". - if you'd like to seemore of us click there, and subscribe to our channel. - or take off these covers

cause none of us are wearing pants.

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