Thursday, September 1, 2016

women's hair dye

hi everyone it's april with hair 101 and iam very excited and very sad and i'm like full of all kinds of emotions today becausethis is the last video you will see from this salon silence moment of silence i know okayit's over now we can be happy because this is ellie from ellie and jared and you guyshave already seen her in my teach me how to cut it video teach me how to cut it teachme teach me how to cut it so you guys already know she is awesome and she wants to kindof get away from so much bleach in her hair right yah right is that what you were sayingkind of what are you thinking with your color so i have bleached my hair for years and yearsand then after i had my baby i've had some major post partum going on so i thought iwant to kind of go back to my natural hair

color and not use so much bleach onto my hairand that way if it grows out i don't have it's not so stripey so i was thinking of justgoing back to my natural color i have about i don't know what to say 8 it's about a level8 i would say yeah my natural hair color is about a level 8 and so me and april here aregoing to whip up our magic and get some formula going to slap on my head so i think that thebest thing to use for her will be this scrouples the blazing lowlights but i think they calledit shadow lowlights now like they've changed the name a little bit but i have the old bookso we're going to say blazing lowlights if you see shadow lowlights it's the same thingjust use it i love the cool pecan but they give you two different colors it's like doyou want to zoom in one of them with heat

and one of them without so when you processthis color with heat it deposits it a little bit deeper and when you do it without heatit's a little bit lighter so keeping that in mind the one that's closer to her naturalis the one that says with heat so i think that i'm going to just put a tiny tiny littlebit of this 6 natural in or not even this one i don't even have the swatch for the 6because it's a natural ash 6 that's a new one to their line that they didn't even havein the natural ash base so it won't be as red as that swatch but i think i'm going tomix the 8 and the 6 together just for your root formula and then do the 8 on the midshaftand then leave her ends blond because here's what i'm thinking it's pretty to do the ombreyou can always go darker if you wanted to

go all over natural but these it's alreadybleached ya nothing else bad is going to happen to it the worst thing we could do is put thecolor on it and make it dark and then if you go home and hate it and you're like oh i reallywant to be blond again then you have to bleach it again that's way worse than just leavingit blond so this will be good for you to have like the darker medium and then the lightbecause then you can just let it keep growing yah is that what you think i think that'sgreat sound good okay so we're going to mix i'm going to do two different formulas i'mgoing to do a 6 natural ash with the 8 natural ash and i'm probably going to do a half anounce of the 6 to an ounce of the 8 that might be a little too dark actually so we're goingto do 1/4th of an ounce of the 6na into every

ounce of the 8na so yes and then whateverthat is that's 1 1/4th i'll probably just mix up that with the 10 volume developer youuse the clear developer with this color line like a liquid i use the generic because ihave never seen any negative from using generic brands of developer have you nope i haven'tso yeah there are certain color lines where i do not change like the shades eq becausethat is less than 10% peroxide so when it's something like that like a really mild depositonly color you should use the one that goes with it but for this we're just using the10 volume and then for the midshaft just to feather it into her blond just a little biti'm going to do just the 8 na so i'm going to mix those up really quick sound good soundsgreat alright i'm excited it'll be pretty

and it's always good to right down your formulasso that the next time when people come in you know what you mixed up so now to startthis off i'm wearing gloves and we're going to part her hair down the middle even thoughthat's not where she parts but who cares because that's where i'm parting it because the middleworks better for what i'm doing okay middles not cool ellie no i'm just kidding it'd becool for you because you're so cute you could do anything but okay so i usually just partit off into the t part so i can keep my stuff organized and i'm going to start on the topfor this one now here's the thing you want to make sure that you do a little bit lessin the front and then you can go a little bit deeper on the roots through the rest ofit because it's nice to have a little bit

more lightness around the front especiallyif you have layers because if you do it all the same and you have layers well the bangswill all be completely brown and so you want to make sure that you're doing a little bitless because there's usually some layering around the face and bangs or whatever andyou have some so it's nice to have that ombre effect oh i can't talk the ombre effect allthe way along the perimeter too so i'm only going to do a little bit past her regrowthon the parts right in her around her face right here and then i'll start to go a littlebit farther down in the back so that's what we're going to do and right now we're justapplying to zone 1 which is the roots and i'm going to just go down the part on bothsides

and then i usually like to just to the perimeterbut i'm just keeping it really really shallow on the depth right here just so that we canmake sure we don't go too far down but the section that i'm working on i'm going to goall the way around on the four sides and that kind of helps keep it parted off too so youcan see where you're working and then i'm going to do i'm going to do sections thisway for the front part just because so i make sure like i said not to go too far and then you kind of want to just featherthe color down a little bit to soften the line that she already has in there and i'veswitched over to horizontal parting so that i can keep track and you can kind of see whereshe has her hair darker i don't have to worry about that as much i'm just taking out thehighlights and blending them down you go a lot by feel when you're doing something

like this like look and see what's alreadythere on what you're trying to achieve and try to keep that in mind as you're going along okay so this is just the midshaft solutionit's just the 8na and i'm going to go through let me just get the comb up here i'm goingto just go through and take bigger chunks like this maybe a little bit smaller like1/4th inch sections and i'm going to take this and i'm just going to feather it betweenthe two like the transition line just a little bit and feather it down and you want to makesure that it's not like spotty because you don't want to have polka dots and that isone of the biggest things that happens with doing this is you can get little spots downin the light blond area and it's probably

going to happen it's not something that youcan guarantee it won't happen but there are little ways to fix it if there's one littlespot that's bad when it's done you can put a little tiny dot of bleach on it and it comesout really quick that's the fun part about the ombres too it doesn't have to be perfectyeah it's a new technique usually curling your hair takes that right away just kiddingyou don't notice as many imperfections when you curl i've noticed that but that's whyombres look so pretty curled don't you think they look prettier curled yes i don't knowbut they look pretty straight too when i had mine i had mine for a while and i could doit both ways and feel like it was okay so and then this one by her face i'm kind ofleaving that out i'm just barely going to

feather it down because we don't want to getthat dark too much further down there it's already looking pretty though don't you thinkyeah i'm excited it will feel fresh yep it'll give you a whole new feel to your hair andit gives so much dimension to have the coloring fading down like that and when you curl. idon't know it just looks really pretty to have the light laying down on top of the darkand that's why when i get a little bit further underneath i usually do pull the dark downa little bit further so that some of the light is laying on top of it so now that i'm downpast the roll of her head i'm taking this down and feathering it down all the way untilthere's just like at least half sometimes a little bit more

and then i just lay it over the head okayso i've put the formula on the zone one and now i did zone two i'm going to just takemy comb and softly comb through and feather it down just a little bit more and i'm goingto avoid doing it too much on the front so i'm going to kind of take that out but thiswill just help melt it down a little bit more and it will blend that root color into themidshaft color too but you don't want to comb it all the say down because you don't wantto put the color into the blond ends you're just combing just this middle section if thatmakes sense so little bit of combing here and this shouldn't take you very much timeit's going to be kind of ratted together from all the parting i can't help but laugh nothat's how it's going to be it's so true it

just melts down that line a little bit moreand fades it down so all that ratting will actually help the line not be so solid sowe're processing at room temperature for 20 minutes okay that was fast go ahead we aredone processing so we're going to rinse it out and hope that it looks beautiful so weare using the satin wear redkin blow dry lotion and we're going to start by putting it inthe ends a little bit and the i'll rub it through the rest i don't like putting a tonof product in right at the roots start in the back okay and then i always just spraya little bit of this pillow proof blow dry primer through it too do you like that stuffi love it that's fairly new isn't it yeah and it's really cool another thing i've noticedif my hair is kind of like needs to be refreshed

in the morning after i've slept on it likesecond day hair you just spray this through it and it kind of like resets it so i wantto get it it helps like extend your style for another day like if you did your haircurly use it alright you guys thanks for watching this is very subtle ombre i love it does itlook so good it does look good you're beautiful i could have done anything and you would stillbe beautiful but we just softened up that line so now she can just let her natural hairgrow in and not have to worry about bleaching it anymore and she's good so hopefully thathelped you guys here's the back let's put it all back here so they can see she justlooks like she went outside and got some highlights in her ends like natural like a little girlplaying in the sun it's perfect so k we'll

see you guys next time oh yeah i keep tellingyou that this is the last video it's not the last video ever it's just the last video inthis salon so make sure you stay subscribed and keep sharing make sure you let everyoneknow i'm going to be doing lots of videos every week still like every week you'll havea video it just won't be at the same place it won't be cuts and colors in this salonit might be cuts and colors in my friend debbies salon or just theory videos i'm going to doa couple tags those will be fun and let me know what else you guys want to see whilei have 6 months of no salon let me know tell me in the comments below and give me a thumbsup because ellie is here and she's awesome yes thumbs up go to her channel and checkout their vlogs they're so funny they're so

cute their baby is adorable i just want toeat him he's so cute so go over there and check out their videos and tell them thati sent you so they know that they got some new subscribers from here okay see you guyssee ya bye we have mixed up this 5cr with 20 volume and we're going to put it all overher head and she's going to be a readhead vibrant bombshell this is going to be beautifulto keep things organized i always to the t parting when i'm doing color so i'm goingto do the t parting again now with this since i'm doing an all over color on this one andi don't care about getting it on the roots and stuff i won't use the clips because idon't need to

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