Thursday, September 1, 2016

women's hair color ideas

andrea: it's very bright in my house this video, i'm going to show you guy's really simple winter hairstyles, my the winter it's usually raining or windy, but whatever or wherever you live. these arereally simple looks that you can style in 10 minutes, go outside, look really cute andmaybe take a selfie. comment down below let me know which ones are your favorites. tweetme or instagram me if you guys try because i love to see you guys recreating stuff thati put out here. alright, let's get started. okay, before all of these you see right here.this is clean hair. i wash my hair in the shower. before this, my hair is squeaky cleanfor you guys and this is not my natural hair color so i use my sulfate free nexxus colorassure shampoo and conditioner because it

is meant for colored-treated hair and willkeep your hair vibrant during the winter months and then afterwards i smoothes down theseannoying flyaway hairs that i have around my face and i use my suave sleek anti-frizzcream for this. let me just say, this smells so amazing. i love it so much.okay, now to style. the first hair i'm going to show you guys is my ultimate lazy hairstylethat i wear when my hair is dirty, clean it doesn't matter. it looks cute, i think.what you want to do is start off by teasing your hair. i'm teasing just a little bit toput my hair has volume and i put it up in a ponytail and then i'm going to put it upin a ponytail. then afterwards, what you want to do is take your ponytail and do the samething, just lift strands up and tease your

ponytail a little bit. this is actually're going to want to do that for sure. then, what you want to do is start arrangingyour hair into a big voluminous messy bun. now, if you don't like the way it turnsout the first time, take it down and redo it and then once you like how it looks inyour hands keep your fingers in place and bobby pin wherever your fingers are holdingit down until you are happy with your messy bun like i am.then, taking my hairspray again i'm using my suave touchable finish hairspray and i'mjust spraying my hair a little bit to look in my messy updo this way it doesn't comeundone later. the last and final step, just get a cute little headband you can get a festive one or a plain one. i got mine from the drugstore

and all you want to do just put it on topof your head like so and then just like class to look up a little bit so you can wear itwith a dressy outfit with a casual outfit, you wear to school, work and it takes literallyfive seconds to do this and i'm obsessed with this look right now. that is the first, this next look is one of my favorites for a windy day when i don't like my bangsand layers not in my face all day. all you want to do just part your hair in half likeso and then to secure that top half in a ponytail and i just love half up and half down hairstylesbecause you get to keep your length and not have your hair in your face. afterwards, goahead and braid the ponytail that you just secured. as you can see, i am kind of likeloosening up my braid a little bit and i do

this almost every time braid my hair becausei like my braid to have more volume and i'm going to create a flat braided bun in theback of my head like so. i'm just going to hold it as i roll it like this, then pullit down, then bobby pin, but make sure you hid the bobby pins and then that's it. thisis how you look a cute little unique half up, half down hairstyle and your hair is outof your face for the day. it's so weird because this is one of the hairstyles that is so easyto do and i get compliments on it and it takes like five seconds.okay, the next hairstyle. this is another way to just keep your bangs out of your faceif you have bangs that you want out of your face and i do this all types of differentvariations, braid and twists, but for this

one it's a little bit different. i want toshow you how to do kind of like a knotted hairstyle and it's so easy. all you want todo is just start off with your bangs, put them in half and then tie them in a knot.afterwards, gather some more hair next to your bangs and just add it to the strandsthat you are tie in your knot and then you want to tie them in another knot. don'tbe afraid of the knot. the knot comes out easier than a braid believe it or not so youwant to make sure you hold tight while you do this.okay, so go ahead and tie another know and afterwards you have these two strands of hairremaining and then tie those in one or two knots depending on how long your hair is andthen you can either pin it around your head

or you can pin it underneath your hair. iwent ahead and pin it underneath my hair when i was finished with the knots just becausei saw a picture of something similar to that and i really, really liked it a lot and that'sit. this literally takes five minutes to do. so, one, two, or three which one is your bestfavorite. comment down below and let me know and if you guys try any of these on your owntake a picture and tweet it to me or instagram me #andreaschoice or @andreaschoice and i'llcheck it out. thanks for watching. i love you, bye.end

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